Research & Innovation Sessions

The fifth Research and Innovation Session took place in Malawi, Africa. This makes it the second R&IS, that took place outside of Europe, after the Session in the Argentinian Andes in 2023. It was held for 4 weeks, from February to March 2024 (Read more).

The fourth Research and Innovation Session of the Highlands.3 project was organized for fall of 2023. A very special R&IS indeed, as it was to be the first in the project to merge two two-week parts, one in Romania, one in Greece, into one joint session (Read more).

On the 15th of February 2023 the third Research and Innovation Session of the MSCA-H2020-RISE project HIGHLANDS.3 took place in the Argentinian Andes. We are pleased about the active participation of about 50 participants from a total of 11 countries, around half of whom came from european countries. (Read more)

The 2nd Research and Innovation Session of the MSCA-H2020-RISE project Highlands.3 took place in the Alps from September until October 2022. The Alp Session was organised together with partners from Austria, France, Italy, Slovenia and Switzerland. 36 researchers and practitioners from 17 countries participate in this session and had the chance to meet, exchange but also to visit initiatives within the topic of sustainable development in mountain regions.
In September and October, the first Research and Innovation Session of the project Highlands.3 took place in France and Spain, gathering about 35 participants from 15 countries. This marks the start of the interdisciplinary research activities in this project coordinated by the Institute for Interdisciplinary Mountain Research of the Austrian Academy of Science. (Read more)