Workshops & Meetings

The Workshop Series 23/24 consists of 4 individual Workshops, which focused on individual Secondment Experiences and Impressions or Learnings from the R&IS in Romania/Greece and in Malawi (Read more).

On January 23, 2023 we started our new H3-Workhsop Series: "Secondment Experiences and Good Practices". We thank Rubén Boga (University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain), Alexandra Cioclu (University of Bucarest, Romania) and Fábio Loureiro (Associação Geopark Estrela, Portugal) for their great presentations!
On 16th of September 2022 the Mid-term meeting of the project Highlands.3 was held in Innsbruck, at the Institute of Geography of the University of Innsbruck. The Project officer and 40 project participants attended in presence and 10 virtually (via ZOOM), representing 24 partners of the project. The meeting was moderated by Fernando Ruiz Peyré (project coordinator). (Read more).
During June 3 and 16 took place in the Livradois-Forez Natural Regional Park, in France, the first Highlands.3 activity in presence since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.

11/12/2020 – Opening Session: International Mountain Day
13/01/2021 – Natural protected areas and environmental governance
27/01/2021 – Sustainable tourism
10/02/2021 – Food studies and mountain agriculture
24/02/2021 – Climate Change

The Kick-off meeting of Highlands.3 was held on February 10th in the Scotland House (Brussels). This meeting addressed the main aspects to consider by the partners for a correct development of the activities. Representatives of 27 institutions from 14 different countries involved in the project attended the conferences. (Read more)