Université Ferhat Abbas Sétif 1

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Description: University of Ferhat Abbas Setif 1 (Algeria) has 1500 teachers, 1/4 of whom are professors and associate professors and has more than 30 000 students spread over 05 Faculties and 02 Institutes. It comprises 8 faculties and 39 laboratories. Faculty of nature and life sciences comprises 5 departments. The university is actually reorganizing its strategy to tackle local and regional problems of development, to develop extensive relationships with its socio-economic environment and reorient training curricula to enhance students’ job access. The faculty provide for student’s community a high level of training, scientific and technical resources to research in ecological, biological, agricultural production and sustainability of resources.

Official contact

Lynda Allouche
E-mail: lyallouche@gmail.comufas-webmaster@univ-setif.dz 
Tel: + 213 36620223/24

Staff members involved:

Working Packages: WP4-Building a multi-stakeholder ISDH decision-support Platform (DSP)

Category: Third-Country-party



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University of Ferhat Abbas Sétif 1. Photo: Lynda Allouche






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