University of Agriculture in Kraków

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Description: University of Agriculture in Krakow is a leading university in agricultural science in Poland and provides professional education in agriculture, food technology, forestry, economics, and technical sciences. All Staff members involved in the project work at the Department of Land Management and Landscape Architecture. The main focus of the department is the research on land management which is particularly important in the reality of the scarcity of land. The department cooperates with local governments providing analyses and solutions to improve the lives of the citizens. In 2020, two laboratories were created in the department: Digital Cultural Heritage Laboratory and Spatial Information Laboratory. The Digital Cultural Heritage Laboratory investigates digitalisation, archiving, and promotion of cultural heritage, including tangible and intangible remnants of rural cultural past. The laboratory research focuses on four domains: identification and acquisition, digitalisation and archiving (storage), management and sharing (digital) of cultural heritage assets. Spatial Information Laboratory. Research involves analyses related to spatial planning, management, and governance, cultural landscape, and spatial policy. The research focuses on large-scale spatial information processing from individual case studies to international analyses.

Regional focus: Research work carried out at the Department of Land Management and Landscape Architecture focuses on several areas: legal and technical issues in spatial planning, spatial data processing in land management analyses, geographic information systems, land information systems, environmental information management, databases for land management, organisation management (including public administration offices), economic and social factors in land management, regional development and competitiveness, valuation and protection of arable land for spatial planning and development, real estate management, landscape architecture and protection of cultural landscapes and heritage, statistical land-use change modelling, land-use and cover changes in Poland, renewable energy and energy autarky, spatial and socioeconomic transformations in suburban areas and quality assessment of websites and web applications.

Official contact

Józef Hernik
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Staff members involved: Józef Hernik, Barbara Czesak, Renata Różycka-Czas, Karol Król, Anita Kukulska-Kozieł and Tomasz Noszczyk.

  • The main fields of interests and studies of Professor Józef Hernik are cultural landscape, land use and environmental development. He also looks at the role of environmental policy, including risk mitigation and the role of climate change. He has been a project coordinator for four international research projects in the field cultural landscapes and land management.
  • Dr inż Barbara Czesak holds a PhD in technical sciences, Land Surveying and Cartography. Her research focuses on land-use changes, particularly deagrarianisation and abandonment of agricultural land use, spatial information systems, green areas in cities, land management, urbanisation, and design thinking methods.
  • Dr inż Renata Różycka-Czas studied Land Surveying and Cartography and Land Management at the University of Agriculture in Kraków. She was awarded the title of PhD in technical sciences, land surveying and cartography. During her Erasmus+ placement, she conducted research at the University of Bonn. Academic interests: development of the suburban zone, local development, spatial information systems, GIS tools.
  • Dr inż Karol Król is a qualified information architect, front-end web developer, IT support technician, academic researcher and lecturer at the Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Land Surveying of the University of Agriculture in Krakow. He studies the uses of computer techniques and tools of spatial data presentation, data visualization, as well as performance, functionality and usability of websites. His research interests include, among others, digital heritage (Digital Cultural Heritage Laboratory), data analytics and internet technologies, work organisation and management, as well as marketing strategies.
  • Dr inż Anita Kukulska-Kozieł is a graduate of Land Surveying and Cartography at the University of Agriculture in Kraków. Her academic interests are the application of GIS tools in spatial analyses, particularly for spatial planning and land development. She has had several international research placements (Szent István University – Budapest; Universitat Politècnica de València – Valencia; and Slovak University of Agriculture – Nitra) and short-term research visits in Florence, Kyiv, and Lviv.
  • Dr inż. Tomasz Noszczyk research focuses on land-use and cover changes and their modelling. He was awarded a scholarship of the Minister of Science and Higher Education twice, Talents of the Świętokrzyski Region three times, and awards of the Rector of the University of Agriculture. He has participated in numerous placements abroad (Spain, Russia, Slovakia, Hungary) and short-term research visits.

Working Packages: WP4-Building a multi-stakeholder ISDH decision-support Platform (DSP)

Category: Academic



1 Widok na Morskie Oko Polska Barbara Czesak small

Morskie Oko lake, Poland. Photo: Barbara Czesak


2 Tatry Polska Tomasz Noszczyk small

Tatra Mountain, Poland. Photo: Tomasz Noszczyk


3 Tatry Polska Barbara Czesak small

Tatra Mountain, Poland. Photo: Barbara Czesak


4 Ciężkowice moj małoposkie Polska Jozef Hernik small

Ciężkowice, Poland. Photo: Józef Hernik


5 Tuchow woj małoposkie Polska Renata Rożycka Czas small

Tuchów, Poland. Photo: Renata Różycka-Czas


6 Beskidy Turbacz Polska Barbara Czesak 

Beskidy Mountain - Turbacz, Poland. Photo: Barbara Czesak




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