Instituto Politécnico do Tomar
Description: The Instituto Politécnico de Tomar (IPT – Polytechnic Institute of Tomar) is a legal public higher education institution, whose mission is to nurture talent and generate knowledge. Through innovative research, the IPT aims at providing solutions to society's challenges, guaranteeing that its graduates face workplace challenges and, thus, holding wide-ranging links with employers and business.
IPT’s structure holds three schools: Management School, and two Technology schools.
Presently, about 3300 members are part of our academic community: 3000 students, 230 lecturers and 100 technical and administrative staff. IPT currently offers 17 Bachelor degrees, 14 Master degrees; 25 Higher National Diplomas, 14 Postgraduate Diplomas, all accredited. The main study fields are: Environmental related Studies, Patrimony, Management, Tourism, Design, Communication, Engineering, Technology, Arts and Heritage Conservation.
Research is an institutional strategic objective with faculty members actively involved in different national and international research projects. Besides its existing laboratories, through its formal network, IPT has access to several other laboratories and facilities that encompass different areas of research.
Faculty members are integrated in 3 R&D Units: Geosciences (CGEO), Technology, Restoration and Arts Enhancement (Techn&Art), and Smart Cities (CI2). Moreover, since 2018 the IPT hosts the UNESCO Chair in Humanities and Cultural Integrated Landscape Management.
Official contact:
GID – Research and development office
Luis Filipe Santos
Edifício F, Quinta do Contador. Estrada da Serra. 2300-313. Tomar. Portugal
Tel: +351 249 328 100
Cell: +351 967 743 365
Staff members involved:
- Luis Filipe Santos, PhD, MSc, BSc Hons, Environmental Biology
- Laurent Caron, PhD candidate Patrimonial studies, MA History, Culture and ancient civilizations, MA History
- Cecilia Baptista, PhD Chemistry
- Luis Mota Figueira, PhD Tourism
Working Packages: WP2-Methods & Capacity Building (Lead partner)
Category: Academic
- Website IPT:
- Website Geociencias:
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Aerial view of IPT main campus in Tomar-Portugal.
Serras D'Aire and Candeeiros windmills, still a landmark of the Karst landscape.
Serras D'Aire and Candeeiros, Natural Park, where man and nature conservation meet.